50 Ways to Take a Break
I sincerely hop you are staying safe and taking good care of yourself during these unusual days of the COVID-19 pandemic. A few minutes a day of mindful, centered breathing can release tension n your body and help you stay centered.
My sympathies are extended to all who have lost loved ones and to those who are suffering with this virus. I am so very grateful for the many people on the frontlines…the doctors, nurses, medical staff, researchers, suppliers of all needed products, truck drivers, grocery stores and food servers, government leaders, the neighbors who are checking on neighbors and the elderly ….and the list goes on for miles. THANK YOU!
Though these are certainly trying times, it is reassuring how people are all pulling together. This gives me hope that much good will come out of a horrible situation.
With the many changes and unknowns, I invite you to take good care of yourself. Not only is it prudent to be kind to our neighbor, but it is essential to be kind to one another. If you’re new to the practice of self-care, please take a look at the list below of 50 Ways to Take a Break.
I invite you to join me on Tuesday, 7-8:00 p.m., via Zoom. (Zoom is a free app that can be used on either your phone or your computer. Please find each week’s Zoom link on my Facebook page (Walking with Joy – Loss and Grief Recovery).
Virtual Hugs & Many Handwashes,
50 Ways to Take a Break