Introduction to the Grief Recovery Method
The Definition of Grief?
Grief is individual and unique for every person. A person’s relationship to each aspect of their life is also unique. As such, the feelings and thoughts each person will have about the relationship that has been altered by death, divorce, or other reasons requires customized attention using proven skills and understanding.
Simply defined, grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. While we never compare losses, any list would include, death and divorce as obvious painful losses. Our list also includes many others; retirement, moving, pet loss, financial and health issues.
Over 40 Types of Loss Including:
- Death
- Divorce of Relationship Ending
- Loss of Health
- Pet loss
- Major Financial Changes
- Moving and Many Others
The Grief Recovery Institute® is the foremost authority on the topic of Grief. The Grief Recovery Method isn’t some theory; it’s proven effective for any type loss one may experience in life.
"The GRM program is an evidence-informed, practice-based program that has been shown to effectively influence components of grief and grief recovery."
Now, you may be asking yourself what does evidence-informed, practice-based, or evidence-based really mean? If so, you are not alone. Many people have asked the same questions.
Here are some helpful explanations:
- Evidence-informed- the GRM program combines person-centered values with several evidence-based practices that are supported by educational research and have been shown to be effective. These evidence-based practices are grounded in behavioral theory, group cohesiveness, meaning-making, and prolonged exposure therapy.
- Practice-based: The GRM program was exclusively developed by grievers FOR grievers based on over 40 years of firsthand experience. The program has been implemented across the globe in 22 unique countries and translated in more than 15 different languages.
- Evidence-based: The GRM program has been shown to effectively influence components of grief and grief recovery through data that has been collected and analyzed from phases 1-3 of the program research project. The components of grief and grief recovery that the program has been shown to effectively influence are grievers’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of grief recovery.