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IN-PERSON March 16 Intro Loss & Grief Recovery Support Group – Get UNSTUCK
May 4, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
FREE Intro to The Loss & Grief Recovery Method® Support Group
- an 8-week series
- March 16 – May 11
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm.
If you are reading this page there is a high probability that you are suffering from a broken heart. If so, you might feel like you’re stuck in a bad dream, that you don’t know who you are anymore, or that you’ll never laugh again. The Grief Recovery Support Group will teach you how to heal your emotional pain and feel whole again.
Are you STUCK in Anger? Overwhelm? Disappointment? Depression? Pain?
If so, connect with our Grief Recovery Support Groups & Resources. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Have you experienced any of these losses?
- Death of a Loved One
- Divorce (Can’t let go of an ex?)
- Unresolved Relationships
- Health
- Job
- Home
- Finances
- Moving
- Retirement
- Lifestyle change
Do you ever find yourself thinking things like:
- I’m struggling to make it through the day.
- I don’t even know who I am anymore.
- I should be over this by now. Everyone else seems fine.
- I feel guilty anytime I smile
- I’ve tried everything and nothing works.
The Grief Recovery Support Group will teach you the actions that will help you move beyond the pain.
It’s time to take action. Do something different. You CAN find your way out. You can find your SMILE again!
The Grief Recovery Method® is a simple, though at times not easy, program to guide you step-by-step to that life of freedom you’ve been dreaming about.
The group provides a safe environment where you will be given action steps to guide you through the emotional pain from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.
The Grief Recovery Method®
is an action-based, powerful,
directed approach to healing from
life’s deepest heartbreaks.
Begin your new life today!
Attend the first session FREE!
You can learn about the process, get a feel for the format, meet Joy and other attenders. If you decide to continue the 8-week Support Group you can register at the conclusion of this session.
Here’s what is included:
- 16 hours of group time with Grief Recovery Specialist
- 8 sessions 2 hours per session
- Personalized Small Group sessions
- A copy of The Grief Recovery Handbook
- A Grief Recovery Homework Guide
- Weekly support & accountability
What Grief Recovery Can Do for YOU?
• Gives you a lifelong Process
• Discover a step-by-step process to move beyond pain caused by loss
• Learn to deal with painful emotions
• Become emotionally complete
• Gain a fresh perspective on life
• Connect to an incredible community of trustworthy & safe individuals
• Enjoy a fulfilling & joyful life
Grief is individual and unique for every person.
A person’s relationship to each aspect of their life is also unique. As such, the feelings and thoughts each person will have about the relationship that has been altered by death, divorce, or other reasons requires customized attention using proven skills and understanding.
The PROBLEM. Simply defined, grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. While we never compare losses, any list would include, death and divorce as obvious painful losses. Our list also includes many others; retirement, moving, pet loss, financial and health issues and over 40 other types of lifestyle changes.
The SOLUTION. Recovery from loss is accomplished by discovering and completing all of the undelivered communications that accrue in relationships. We are all advised to “Let Go,” and “Move On” after losses of all kinds. Most of us would do that if we knew how. The Grief Recovery Method® isn’t some theory; it’s proven effective for any type loss one may experience in life.
We are not going to tell you how you feel ”because we don’t . Neither does anyone else. What you will receive is a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.
Take action today for yourself!
Find Hope & Healing in The Grief Recovery Method as you discover a path to move beyond the pain caused by a death, divorce, loss or lifestyle change.
Facilitated by Joy Gaertner, Advanced Loss & Grief Recovery Specialist.
To Register call 865 407-0214 or sign in at the door.
If you are looking for individual sessions contact Joy at 865-963-9221 for details about 1-on-1 sessions.